
Local Missions

Mission: Prisons

This is a multi-faceted work that ministers to both men and women inmates. This work includes bible correspondence studies as well as in-house bible studies. Year around, volunteer members go into the jails or spend their time grading and writing cards to help inmates grow in the word of God.

Mission: Printing

Every Monday morning, a group of our members come together to compile biblical material to be shipped all over the world. Numerous volunteers from the Keller church work diligently throughout the year to assist the Mission Printing effort in distributing these materials. 

Mission: Nursing Homes

A wonderful work that further engages our congregation with the local community. Weekly services are typically held where songs of praise, the Lord’s Supper, and a Bible Study are conducted. Residents are so grateful for these provisions and our volunteers love to serve in this capacity. 

Mission: Keller

This is the center point of our mission ministry where members are working together to follow up on our guests, new members, and those who have not yet met us. We meet together briefly every Monday night to update one another and collaborate on this local mission effort.  

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